Kia Ora everyone. I’m into my 2nd week here at the Club and slowly getting used to the systems and everything that gets done around here to make it such a special place.
I have met quite a few of you and always happy to have a chat so please come up and say hi when you get a chance.
City of Wellington
Our big tournament is getting closer and registrations are building. Still not many Karori entries yet so please make sure to register and be in to win!!!
You can enter online at (, by emailing me and I will enter you (, calling the club and speaking to a person (04) 476 7337, or using the sign on sheet in the downstairs foyer.

Tuesday rain
Tuesday was a very slow day due to the heavy rain which has consequently made the course a bit too soft for carts for the week. We await the clearance from TK to see when we can let the carts out again.
Looks like the ducks enjoyed. Bet they didn't drop a shot!
We are putting together some new offers for membership so if you have any friends or family that are interested this is a great time to join. Keep your eyes open for news or come talk to me if you have any questions.
Clubhouse café
We are keen to make our clubhouse a destination and a place that everyone wants to enjoy after their round and with that are looking to add to our current menu. Have a chat to the clubhouse staff if you have something you would like to be added and we’ll see what we can do.
Working Bee
We want our course to look great for the City of Wellington tournament on the 4th November so we are looking to have a working bee on Thursday 2nd November from 9 till 12, followed by a lunch and 9 holes. If you are available please sing out so we can organise numbers and tasks allocated. Phone or email me (04) 476 7337 or
Golf Results:
a) Tuesday Women
Literally it was ducks day. Lets hope for better weather this coming week.
b) Wednesday Competition
A field of nine golfers entered this weeks competition.
The winner was Michael Cox on 36pts from Ian Bates and Christopher Pearce both on 34pts.
No report on two's, pigs or raffles.
c) Thursday Twilight
A pleasant twilight with 19 golfers turning out for blustery nine holes.
Golf was the winner on the night, with Nick Rodgers taking out first place with 19 Stableford points.
Prizes down to 16 Stableford points and a golf ball for Nicholas Mills for a magnificent eagle on the 7th hole.
Thanks to Isaac on the bar, Phil on the BBQ and Karen for stunning salads.
If you are at a loose end on Thursday afternoon, come and join us at twilight from 4.00 pm onwards.
This weeks golf
a) Sunday Club Day
Open to all members and affiliated guests.
b) Monday Vets
From Ian Bates:
"You are cordially invited to submit your entries for the " Vets @ Karori" tournament on Monday 30th October with a multi -tee off at 10am. In the event of postponement due to weather the reserve day is 6th November. The course is currently being prepared for the City of Wellington Tournament on 4th November and should be in pristine order.
The usual charge of $30 for non-Karori members (Karori $15 incl 2's) will cover green fee, light lunch, and prizes. Twos ($2) and raffles ( 3 for $5) are extra. The correct change in cash would be appreciated.
Could you please have your entries by 4pm Thursday 26th Oct."
c) Tuesday Women
The Women will be playing an 18 hole par match and the 18 Hole Heinman Cup Final, and our nine hole golfers will be playing a par match.
d) Wednesday Competition
Wednesday 10.30am tee time. Be at the clubhouse by 10.15 for the disc draw. $5 entry for match and raffles.
e) Thursday Twilight
Tee time from late afternoon followed by a gourmet barbecue dinner. $20 entry for golf and dinner
Course Report
The good news is that the new greens mower has arrived.
The report is that it cuts much better than the old one which has now been commissioned for surrounds etc. As far as the short grass is concerned there should be a noticeable improvement.

Already muddy from a day's work. A great addition to the course infrastructure.
And now from TK regarding the rough:
Message from the superintendent.
"ROUGH- please bear with me as I'm working on some new plans and height changes within the golf course. The rough height has been lifted to 60mm to allow for a new FIRST CUT around the fairways and some of our tee boxes. The first cut height will be set at 40mm and allow for better definition within the different heights of mowing.
New heights as of next week.
Greens dropped to 4mm
Tees and surrounds dropped to 10mm
Fairways set at 12mm
First cut rough dropped to 40mm
Rough raised to 60mm
We will try our very best to keep the rough under control.
Please note that he does not excuse our current difficulties by talking about one of the rough mowers being away for repairs. A bit more patience will be rewarded in time.
Inter Club 2024
Yes it's coming sooner than you may think.
Last year's interclub captains met to review the last season and commence planning for 2024.
We got a bit of good news with our Div 3 team being promoted to Div 2 (on the back of a second place finish in Div 3 last season). This is a good step in our quest to earn a team in the Waikanae Cup competition which is the step below Duncan Cup.
We have Captains for Div 12 and Div 9. Div 5 will need a new captain and Div 2 will have a coordinator.
The Club Captain will be contacting all the usual suspects and potentials about what happens next.
Book a tee time and report in - please
A general reminder that we need to know who is on the course. Please book your tee time and let the shop know that you have arrived.
At the same time it has been known for people to order their post round toasties and the like and there is a good range of golfing things you may need (tees, balls, pitch repairers and so on).
More next Friday.
Enjoy your long weekend. The weather is looking not too bad.
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