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It's great to host Collegians Cricket again today - we have 20 Ambrose Teams out their giving it there all. Thanks to Simon Petre (Club Member and Collegians Cricket President) for bringing this event back. We could do with a few more corporate days! This weekend will be another busy one. On Saturday we have two Inter Club teams playing at home (Divs 2 & 12) and the tee booking sheet is full until around lunchtime. On Sunday we have our usual playing groups, the qualifying round for the Holland Cup, we're hosting 10 x Junior 18H Pennants Teams, and then the usual junior coaching programmes. So get in quick if you're wanting a tee time!

A big shout out to our 2 new members who joined us this week:

  • Xian (Linda) Xu (9H Intro)
  • Max Mitchell (Junior 19 - 25)

We trust you enjoy your golfing experience with us.



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Today: Course Closed for Collegians Cricket

Collegians Cricket booked the course for most of today. They had a shot-gun start at 11am, therefore the course is closed to members and green fee players from 10:30am to 4:00pm. The course was available to book for 9H between 07:10 - 8:30am, and 18H from 4:00pm.


9 Hole Ladies

We played Inter Club on Monday in Martinborough on a very hot and fine day. We drew 2-2 against Manor Park. Congratulations to the team who also enjoyed lunch in the new clubhouse.

On Tuesday 9 ladies played our second Medley - this was won by Susan Wright with net 29. Second place was Trish Titcombe with net 32. We also had a catch-up putting competition which was won by Lindsey Pickering with 15 putts followed by Susan Wright on 17 putts. (Cheers Hilary)


Wednesday Club

There were insufficient players for a competition on Wednesday. About ten people turned up but only two played. The southerly was very gusty and there was a threat of rain which deterred most. As it happened there was only one brief shower and two players happily completed 18 holes. (Cheers Patrick)


Wednesday Twilight

Twenty five keen golfers braved the southerly wind and came out for their golf fix (and it was windy). Seven played to their handicap winning a golf ball each, and Russell Dickson received a $5 voucher for his score of 19 points. The winning group this week started with three who scored 20 points: Ossi Santos, Arthur Howard and Geoff Lee (winning $10 vouchers). Runners up were Will Lyall and Carey Clements on 21 points ($15) and the winner, with a great score of 23 points was Terry McAlister (winning $20).

The outright star performer this week was Will Lyall, who teed off on the fourth and watched his ball land on the green, roll into the hole, and.....lip out! What a way to get the 'nearest the pin' prize. Will also won a golf ball for the only 'two' this week!

Thanks to everyone who helps out at Twilight (especially Graeme Couper on the BBQ this week). Next Wednesday is 'Curry Night' at Twilight, so come along and spice up your golf next week! (Cheers Gail)


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Beginner Women's Golf Lessons

Due to popular demand, we're hosting another series of beginner women's golf lessons. Details are:

  • What: 4-week Introduction to Golf
  • When: Every Wed, commencing 19 Mar @ 5:45 PM. Final session involves playing the course on the wknd of 12/13 Apr (date/time TBC)
  • Where: Practice Fairway and Putting Green
  • Cost: $80 (non-members), $60 (members)
  • Coach: Maurice Munro

This fun, relaxed course covers:

  • Proper grip and stance
  • Putting, chipping, full swing
  • A short game under the coach's supervision

Only 8 spots available! Secure a spot now by contacting Lauren via or 0272 490 315.


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Junior Golf Coaching Programme

50 juniors will be back this Sunday. To allow the programme to run, the 1st Tee will be closed from 1:30pm until 5:00pm. The 10th Tee will be available to book from 4:00pm and the 1st Tee from 5:00pm. The practice facilities (fairway and putting green) will also be closed for programme use from 3 - 4pm. Please consider this when planning your Sunday golf.



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For the latest course status visit -




Call for Volunteers: Sanding & Seeding Tee Blocks & Clearing Treelines 

We'll have another working bee this coming Tuesday (11th) to sand & seed tee blocks and clear several treelines. If you have the time please just turn-up. Details are:

  • Date: Tue next week
  • Timings: 9am at the Clubhouse
  • Dress: Old clothes, sturdy footwear & gloves (if you have them)
  • Bring: Sunscreen & water bottle
  • Lunch: Provided by the Club

If you wish to be added to the list of volunteers and be updated with the latest information, please contact and he will include you. 

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Greens Update

Our roller is back in action so the greens speed will speed up over the next couple of weeks. They've been running at 7 on the stint meter and they'll increase to around 8.5 - 9. Typically, the greens are rolled 2 - 3 times per week, alternating with mowing days. Now that we're into Autumn, the health of the greens will improve. Just a reminder, we'll be coring again on 8-11 April. 


Drainage Work

Over the next couple fo weeks you'll see a digger in the course working to improve the drainage in areas that become unplayable during winter months. It may result in some inconvenience, so please bear with the green keeping staff and they work on improving course playability year-round.

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Divots & Pitch Marks

A quick note about keeping our course in great shape. There's been a noticeable increase in unrepaired pitch marks on greens. Our greenkeepers work hard to keep the course in the best condition possible throughout the year, but they need our help. We all must do our part to take care of and respect our course. We ask our members to do just a few simple things:

  • Replace your divots or fill with sand (i.e. carry a sand bucket) 
  • Repair your pitch marks immediately - left unrepaierd, even for just several minutes, the recovery time can be weeks instead of hours.
  • Refrain from practicing on the course – please use the practice area and make your divots linear (see pic)
  • If you see an unrepaired divot or pitch mark - please repair 
  • If you see someone not complying with the above - have a polite word & let the staff know. 



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Green Recycling 

If anyone has any green recycling crates laying around taking up space we would gratefully receive them. We sort our glass recycling into colours (so its easy for the recycling driver to empty) and could to with several more. If you have one spare, please either bring to the Clubhouse or leave in the recycling area (the old dairy shed to the right of the Clubhouse as you walk to the practice putting green). Thanks.

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Teaching Pro - Stephen Wood

Take your game to the next level with our very own teaching pro. Stephen is highly regarded and offers great value for members (includes video analysis):

  • KGC Members:
    30mins = $40; 60mins = $75
  • Non-KGC Members: 
    30mins = $60; 60mins = $100
  • KGC Juniors:
    30mins = $20 (plus help with ball pick-up)

Book via: 021 384424   or




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Dogs at KGC

Dogs are welcome on our course, but owners need to abide by our dog policy at all times:

  • Course: Dogs must be Kiwi Avoidance Trained (KAT) to be allowed off their lead. If a dog is not KAT trained, it must be on the lead at all times whilst on the course or practice area. 
  • Clubhouse: Dogs are not allowed upstairs in the Clubhouse or in any of the offices, locker rooms or bathrooms. Dogs are allowed in the downstairs foyer and on the outside deck. 

A register of KAT trained dogs is kept behind the bar. Please provide details to Clubhouse staff to allow your dog to roam freely.




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Regular Weekly Events

Ladies Day (Tuesday) - 18H Tee-off 9:30am; 9H Tee-off 10:00am.

Tuesday Golf & Wine - 9H Tee-off from 5:45pm

Wednesday Club - Draw 10:15am, Tee-off 10:30am.

Wednesday Twilight - Tee-off 4:30pm - 5:15pm

Friday 9H Allcomers - Tee-off 9:00am.

Sunday Club Day - Shirties Tee-off 7:30am; Goats Tee-off 8:00am; Gaskies Tee-off 9:00am (Club Comps may mean occasional timing changes)

Summer Junior Coaching Programme - Every Sunday from 3:00 - 5:00pm. The Front 9H & practice facilities are for the exclusive use of participants.



Other Events

Fri 07 Mar - Collegians Cricket @ KGC - Course closed 10:30am to 4:00pm

Sat 08 Mar - Senior Inter Club (hosting Divs 2 & 12)

Sun 09 Mar - Junior Inter Club - Hosting 18H Pennant Teams

Mon 10 Mar - College Sport Wellington 9H Comp - Multi-tee start @ 4:15pm (Final Day).

Sat 22 Mar - Senior Inter Club (hosting Div 12)

Sat 29 Mar - Senior Inter Club (hosting Divs 2 & 5)

Thu 03 Apr - Women's Vets @ KGC - Course closed until 2:00pm

Sat 05 Apr - Senior Inter Club (hosting Divs 2, 5 & 9)

Mon 05 May - Women's 9H IC @ KGC - Course closed 8:00am to 2:00pm



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