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What a week we're having! Yesterday, Waitangi Day, the Tee Booking Sheet had just five free tee slots between 6:14am and 4:58pm. That's nearly 11 hours of solid bookings! It was a massive day revenue-wise with the Clubhouse taking in over $10k! For context, this is double what we'd consider to be a big weekend day. Thank you to the weather gods for shining on us all. This weekend's weather looks outstanding also, so get out here! Congratulations to our Junior Inter Club players playing their first competitive golf last Sunday. There are no Inter Club matches this weekend. Our 9H IC Women are at Masterton on Monday, and we'll host our first College Sport Wellington 9H Golf Competition on Monday afternoon. It'll run for five consecutive weeks with a 4pm multi-tee start.

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A big shout out to our 4 new members joineing us this week:

  • Carl Allwood (Full Intro)
  • Huong Nguyen (9H Intro)
  • Mark Sutherland (9H Intro)
  • Angus McEwan (Junior 18U)

We trust you enjoy your golfing experience with us.

(Pictured - one of our new junior female members, Delta Le, about to play with her dad)




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9 Hole Ladies

The 9 hole ladies played the Back 9 on Tuesday. The competition was Par and we were playing the first round of our Medley games. The winner was Elizabeth Wagner on +2, Kath Robinson came in 2nd on +1 on a count back from Chris Suggate. (Cheers Lindsey)


Wednesday Club

Dry, calm, humid conditions were enjoyed by 21 Wed Clubbers. The leading groups completed their rounds in under 4 hours, despite one player winning a ball (and a chocolate) for the most golf. The winner was Mike Cox on +3 continuing his good form from the Vets Tournament last week (he took the wine).  Runner up was Peter Wilcox (2 x balls) on countback with +2 from Fergus McLean and Saint Kennack. Gerd Warnke also received a ball for +1. Derek Fitzgibbon was NTP and scored a Two for 2 balls. The raffle was won by Peter Wilcox and Marcus Henry. (Cheers Ian)


Wednesday Twilight

Another fantastic evening of Twilight golf this week with 37 golfers turning out. Our top performers were:

  • Martin Binks,  23
  • Tim Brosnahan,  22
  • Andrew Gardner,  20
  • Aiden Jeanes,  20

Prizes were given out down to 18 stableford points. Thanks to our volunteers on the BBQ and staff in the Clubhouse. (Cheers John S)

PS - Gail's reportedly having a lovely time in Australia!


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For the latest course status visit -



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Greens Update

As you might have noticed over the last week or two we are starting to get little brown spots on the greens. Dont be alarmed - it's a fungal disease called 'Anthracnose' which is common in golf greens that have poa annua. This disease attacks weakened poa and doesn't effect the brown top. Our plan over the next few years is to get rid of the poa slowly and turn the greens back to brown top, so having this disease isn't such a bad thing. We will be spraying the greens next week before the disease gets out of hand. We'll be using Velista (fungicide) which will stop the spread of Anthracnose and prevent dollar spot and fairy rings.


Tractor Trouble!

The rough has been growing as a result of our Kubota tractor being broken. Fortunately we are covered by warranty so it’s away being repaired. A replacement arrived today so the rough will be tamed again next week. 


Divots & Pitch Marks

Given the heightened use of our course, it's inevitable we'll have an increase in divots and pitch marks. Our greenskeepers work hard to keep the course in the best condition possible throughout the year, but they do need our help. We all must do our part to take care of and respect our course. We ask our members to do just a few simple things: 

  • Replace your divots or fill with sand (i.e. carry a sand bucket) 
  • Repair your pitch marks  
  • Refrain from practicing on the course – use the practice area 
  • If you see an unrepaired divot or pitch mark - please repair 
  • If you see someone not complying with the above - have a polite word & let the staff know. 

Doing these things will enhance the quality and enjoyment of our golf, and maintain the morale of our dedicated volunteers & greenkeepers!


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Recent damage found on the 17th Hole - (L) Before & (R) After. Thanks to Hector for sending in the image and making the repair.



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Clubhouse Volunteers

Our Ladies Club Captain, Denise Marten, is looking to establish a 'House Sub-Committee' to promote and improve the fare and service we all wish to enjoy after golf. She's also seeking a pool of volunteers to help with bartending and food service, particularly during our busy periods, and provide the staff with the level of support they require on occasions to satisfy heavy demand.  Please let Denise know if you're open to helping out (

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Teaching Pro - Stephen Wood

Take your game to the next level with our very own teaching pro. Stephen is highly regarded and offers great value for members (includes video analysis):

  • KGC Members:
    30mins = $40; 60mins = $75
  • Non-KGC Members: 
    30mins = $60; 60mins = $100
  • KGC Juniors:
    30mins = $20 (plus help with ball pick-up)

Book via: 021 384424   or




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Course Volunteers

A big thank you to the group who have been clearing the wood and debris in the trees between holes 4 & 5. A small amount of debris remains and this should be cleared out this week.

We can always use volunteers on the course so if you are available on an occasional basis to help out please let us know and we will add you to our pool of volunteers. This group is regularly updated about projects and every bit that can be done is a great help.


Tee Bookings

Members are asked to help us ensure we have accurate statistics on the usage of the course in order that the Committee can make informed decisions – to do this we need members to please ensure a tee time is booked for every round played, and that you check-in at the Clubhouse before playing.  Its easy and quick to do in the GolfNZ App, or on our website, and will make sure we comply with Health and Safety by knowing who is on the course at any time.  There are still members just walking onto the course without a booking or checking-in which makes it difficult to marshal efficiently or ensure there is availability for visitor bookings.



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Regular Weekly Events

Ladies Day (Tuesday) - 18H Tee-off 9:30am; 9H Tee-off 10:00am.

Tuesday Golf & Wine - 9H Tee-off from 5:45pm

Wednesday Club - Draw 10:15am, Tee-off 10:30am.

Wednesday Twilight - Tee-off 4:30pm - 5:15pm

Friday 9H Allcomers - Tee-off 9:00am.

Sunday Club Day - Shirties Tee-off 7:30am; Goats Tee-off 8:00am; Gaskies Tee-off 9:00am (Club Comps may mean occasional timing changes)

Summer Junior Coaching Programme - Will restart 16 Feb 2025.



Other Events

Sun 09 Feb - Monthly Medal & Grant Keats Trophy

Mon 10 Feb - College Sport Wellington 9H Comp - Multi-tee start @ 4pm.

Sat 15 Feb - Senior Inter Club (hosting Div 5)

Sun 16 Feb - Junior Inter Club - Hosting 9H Pennant Teams 12:15pm Tee-off; Club Day Stableford; Nes Beard Memorial Trophy (men 50 & over); Term 1 Junior Coaching Programme starts

Mon 17 Feb - College Sport Wellington 9H Comp - Multi-tee start @ 4pm.

Sun 23 Feb - Club Day Stableford; Diplomatic Golfing Society Members joining Gaskies; Term 1 Junior Coaching Programme @ 3pm

Mon 24 Feb - College Sport Wellington 9H Comp - Multi-tee start @ 4pm.

Sat 01 Mar - Senior Inter Club (hosting Divs 2, 5 & 9)

Mon 03 Mar - College Sport Wellington 9H Comp - Multi-tee start @ 4pm.

Fri 07 Mar - Collegians Cricket @ KGC

Sun 09 Mar - Junior Inter Club - Hosting 18H Pennant Teams 12:00 Tee-off (multi-tee start)

Mon 10 Mar - College Sport Wellington 9H Comp - Multi-tee start @ 4pm.

Sat 01 Mar - Senior Inter Club (hosting Divs 2, 5 & 9)



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