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We've had another huge week in the Club. Our Senior and 9H Women's Inter Club Teams got underway and the Robbie Burns - Auld Quaich Tournament was alot of fun. This weekend will see three Senior Inter Club teams playing at home on Saturday (Divs 5, 9 & 12), and our Official 2025 Club Opening Day Ambrose Tournament on Sunday. Also on Sunday, our Junior Inter Club Teams get underway - best of luck to both 9H & 18H Junior Pennants teams who are playing away at Miramar & Judgeford. For most, this will be their first taste of competitive golf. Lastly, hot on the heels of our first (in many years) female junior member sign-up, we've had our second - welcome Delta Le!

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A big welcome to our six new members who have joined us over the last week:

  • Calum Cartwright, (Full Introductory)
  • Denis Delany, (9 Hole)
  • Bhulvhai Forward-Taua, (Junior 19 - 25)
  • Curtis Mellsop, (Junior 19 - 25)
  • Delta Le, (Junior 18U)
  • Bao Chau Nguyen, (Junior 18U)

We trust you enjoy your golfing experience with us.




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Last Call: Opening Day Ambrose - This Sunday

Entries Close at 5pm on today! This ambrose event will be an excellent opportunity for members new and old to mix and enjoy a fun day of golf and socialising. Details were shared by the Club Captain earlier today.  We hope to see you there.


Womens Results

Club Competition: Tuesday was the Opening Day for both 9 and 18 hole members. The Summer Competitions closed and the results are as follows: 

  • 9 hole Summer Cup winner: Lindsey Pickering  
  • 9 hole Stableford joint winners: Hilary Newby and Kath Robinson 
  • 9 hole Eclectic winner: Hilary Newby 
  • 18 hole Summer Cup winner: Eun Lee 
  • 18 hole Stableford winner: Helga Karau 
  • 18 hole Eclectic winner: Marcosa Santos 

Congratulations to all winners! The 18 hole competitions are played on Tuesday and Sunday. It would be great if 18 hole women members playing on Sundays would enter these competitions by ticking the appropriate box on the scorecard. All season eclectics run; the player must choose whether it is their playing day i.e. Tuesday or Sunday or an any days round. Six days out of seven the any day eclectic will be the box to tick. 

The first event open to women members playing on a Sunday is on 9 February. LGU1 and Putting 1 is a competition off the yellow tees  similar to the Monthly Medal which runs monthly all year. Winners compete for the Top Cat trophy at the end of the season.  This can be played in conjunction with the Sunday Club Day Stableford, but as it is a net round pickups are not permitted. At the conclusion of the round record the putting score on the chart in the women’s changing room. I hope this will encourage all women members to participate. (Cheers Denise)


9H Competition: We had opening day for Ladies 9 Holes this week and enjoyed a good turnout of women on a fine Tuesday. We played a good old Russian Roulette competition. Sue McLaren and Trish Titcombe were the runaway winners with a massive 49 points. (Cheers Chris and Hilary)


9H Inter Club: Our interclub team played in the first round of the 9 Hole competition on Thursday at Paraparaumu Beach against Masterton. They did really well but sadly lost 3-1. The weather was wet to start but did ease off later on. (Cheers Hilary)


Wednesday Club

A depleted field of 13 played a Stableford competition on Wednesday in blustery conditions. Numbers were down with some regulars on holiday and also a competing Wellington Vets tournament. Derek Fitzgibbon was the winner with 40 points followed by John Timperley on 37 points. Balls were given down to 34 points. Mike Suggate was nearest the pin but there were no twos. Mike also won the raffle.

A number of changes have recently been made to the running of the weekly and annual competitions in Wednesday Club. The annual tournaments are now based on each players top 10 Stableford rounds and top 10 Par rounds. There are about 22 rounds of each format each year, so this allows people to win a trophy and a prize even if they miss a few rounds.

Also, every effort is now being made to start on time and to avoid slow play. On Wednesday, the draw was made at 10.15 am as scheduled and players were on the tee by 10.30 am. Ready golf is played and all players were in the clubhouse shortly after 2.30 pm.  

The disc draw also now includes people who are sharing a cart. Those pairs take part in the first draw and once their starting tees are determined, all remaining participants take part in a disc draw with the exception of two organisers who go first off 1. (Cheers Patrick)


Wednesday Twilight

A very windy Wednesday did not deter 27 golfers from entering the Twilight competition this week. Coming in with the third highest score of 19 stableford points (winning a $10 voucher) were Simon Jones, Carey Clements and Gail Kirkland. Joint runners up were Karen Simcox and Pete Alkema on 20 points (and $15), and the outright winner this week was the 'dynamo' Will Lyall scoring 23 points, collecting $20.

Golf balls went to Russell Dickson for the only 'two' and to Gareth Lewis for NTP. Thank you to Doug Calhoun for BBQing this week and to Karen and Brigitte for  their super salads. Come along next week! (Cheers Gail)


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For the latest course status visit -




Water Tank Maintenence

Members may experience some disruption to water next week. On 04 Feb maintenance will occur on the water tank located near the green keepers shed as well as the tanks which feeds the Clubhouse. We trust any inconvenience to golfers and staff will be negligible.

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Course Volunteers: Tue 04 Feb

Thank you to everyone who lent a hand recently clearing the wood away from the trees on the 4th and 5th holes. The job is all but done and it seems most of the volunteers will return for a 3rd time this coming Tuesday. We are always looking for help, so if you are available please join us. Details are:

  • Date: Tue 04 Feb 2025
  • Timings: 9am at the Clubhouse
  • Dress: Old clothes, sturdy footwear & gloves (if you have them)
  • Bring: Sunscreen & water bottle
  • Lunch: Provided by the Club

Once again, thanks everyone for your efforts over the last couple of volunteer days.  TK really appreciates everything we do as it releases the green staff to get on with course improvement. Every little bit helps.

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New Zealand Falcon - Karearea

The restricted area on the 14th Hole was removed this week. The Karearea chick has hatched and was photographed perched in the tree with mum & dad close by. Now that the chick can fly, it seems the danger of golfers being attacked has diminished markedly. We assume their nest was on the ground, hence them attacking and warning off intruders (i.e. golfers) with their aggressive dive-bombing strikes. Maybe we'll get to do it all again next season!




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Clubhouse Volunteers

Our Ladies Club Captain, Denise Marten, is looking to establish a 'House Sub-Committee' to promote and improve the fare and service we all wish to enjoy after golf. She's also seeking a pool of volunteers to help with bartending and food service, particularly during our busy periods, and provide the staff with the level of support they require on occasions to satisfy heavy demand.  Please let Denise know if you're open to helping out (

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Girls Golf - Group Lessons

Hard on the heels of having our first female junior members signup, our part-time Golf Pro, Stephen Wood, is looking to establish a 'girls only' coaching session for those that missed out on the Term 1 junior coaching programme. Broad details are:

  • Girls aged between 10-17
  • 6-week Group Lesson
  • Sundays from 1.30pm - 2.30pm
  • Cost of $60
  • Numbers limited to 6 (so don't delay)
  • Start mid-Feb.

Please let Stephen know if you're aware of any girls who might be interested. 

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Teaching Pro - Stephen Wood

Take your game to the next level with our very own teaching pro. Stephen is highly regarded and offers great value for members (includes video analysis):

  • KGC Members:
    30mins = $40; 60mins = $75
  • Non-KGC Members: 
    30mins = $60; 60mins = $100
  • KGC Juniors:
    30mins = $20 (plus help with ball pick-up)

Book via: 021 384424   or




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Guest Discount Changes

The Membership & Business Management Sub-Committee met this week to review a number of our current discounted playing offers. We considered the Clubs financial needs and the current green fees and discounts offered by other comparable local Clubs.  As a result we resolved that our Member Guest discount will be withdrawn and that standard green fees will be payable for all Visitors to Karori until 31 March.  We agreed to review at this time whether to continue with this approach or to re-instate a discount programme. 

We believe this change ensures that we receive fair payment for our product, is in the best financial interests of all of our Members, is equitable to all green fee players, and is competitive with the local market. We encourage Members to continue to invite visitors to experience our course on its merits, and look forward to your support of this change.



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Regular Weekly Events

Ladies Day (Tuesday) - 18H Tee-off 9:30am; 9H Tee-off 10:00am.

Tuesday Golf & Wine - Will restart late January 2025

Wednesday Club - Draw at 10:15am, Tee-off 10:30am

Wednesday Twilight - Tee-off 4:30pm - 5:15pm

Friday 9H Allcomers - Tee-off 9:00am.

Sunday Club Day - Shirties Tee-off 7:30am; Goats Tee-off 8:00am; Gaskies Tee-off 9:00am (Club Comps may mean occasional timing changes)

Summer Junior Coaching Programme - Will restart 16 February 2025.



Other Events

Sat 01 Feb - Senior Inter Club (hosting Divs 5, 9 & 12)

Sun 02 Feb - KGC Official 2025 Opening Day Ambrose

Sun 02 Feb - Junior Inter Club starts

Sat 15 Feb - Senior Inter Club (hosting Div 5)

Sun 16 Feb - Junior Inter Club - Hosting 9H Pennant Teams

Sun 16 Feb - Term 1 Junior Coaching Programme starts

Sat 01 Mar - Senior Inter Club (hosting Divs 2, 5 & 9)

Fri 07 Mar - Collegians Cricket @ KGC

Sun 09 Mar - Junior Inter Club - Hosting 18H Pennant Teams



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