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Captain's Comments


On Saturday I had the good fortune to be elected as Club Captain for my second stint in role.  I previously held this role from 2013 to 2015. I am looking forward to building on the great work that Mark Peck has been doing as Club Captain for the past 2 years.

As the new year is approaching fast the main priority for me is to get next years programme in place as quickly as possible.  We will be looking at a revamp of the programme to have a good mix of competitive golf events and fun events.  The aim being to improve the engagement of members in our club events and development of our club spirit.



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Christmas Cheer

Following the AGM on Saturday, 7 December the Christmas Cheer competition was played.

The winner was Derek Fitzgibbon with 39 points from Mike Suggate with 37.

The only Two of the day was by Gail Kirkland on the 2nd hole.

Wednesday Competition

Tomorrow at 10.30am is the annual prizegiving for the Wednesday Competition.  Be at the clubhouse by 10.15 for the disc draw. Everyone welcome.

Miners Arms

Those wishing to enter this 4 ball better ball stableford competition which runs from December to the end of February need to play their first round before the end of December.  

Please enter your names and result on the sheet on the noticeboard.

Interclub Trials

Round 3 is this Saturday, 14 Dec.  Tee time from 8.15 am.

If you wish to play and haven't told us yet please let Mark Peck know as soon as possible.  Entries close 5.00pm on Friday

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