Captain's Corner
Club Report
Good afternoon golfers
Greetings from sunny Wanaka in the beautiful South Island lakes district.
I will be here until the 8th of August, although I will return for a few days at the end of July to attend to a couple of matters.
The last time I played the course I was highly impressed at the state of it in mid winter and while we have more challenging weather to come the renovation work around the place is paying dividends.  Well done to TK and his team and the bunch of volunteers who lend a hand as required. 
You will have noted in Friday Flash that TK has alerted members to the need for volunteers in early September when the next round of coring (course renovations) will take place, in order that the work can be carried out expeditiously with as little disruption as possible.
It will be in all our interests to get out to help as the Club Championship qualifying rounds will be played during the work period.
We have an intriguing final of the Bertram Cup this weekend with Ngatau Hemopo and Horn Dim up against the inform Sarah McNaughtan and Luanne Cockburn.  This will be an epic final as Ngatau and Horn have been in awesome form and they will need every bit of their skill against the well performed women who have excelled in the winter conditions.
The final will be played at 8.59am in order that a goodly number of members will be in the club house for the presentation of the trophy to the winning team.  Sadly, I won't be there and I will arrange for a suitable stand in at the post match celebations.
Good luck to both teams on Sunday.  I really hope that the weather gods play their part this year.
1. Upcoming Events
a) Rigarlsford Trophies
This event is being played on Saturday 27 July, multi tee start at 10am with trophies to be presented to the best man (Ken Rigarlsford Trophy) and the best woman (Rose Rigarlsford Trophy).
The match is a stableford and twos and Rose Rigarlsford has generously donated towards the prize pool on the condition that there is no entry fee.  So take advantage of this and get your entries in as soon as possible.
The course will close from early morning until mid afternoon to facilitate the tournament.
Enter online (, or by email (, or you may use the old fashioned method of adding your name to the sign on sheet posted on the notice board in the downstairs foyer.
Entries are trickling in - so get your name among them.
Entries close on Thursday 25 July so that a draw can be completed.
No post entries will be entertained.
b) Club Captains Foursomes
Round 2 of the Club Captains Foursomes will be played Sunday 28 July, tee time 12.01pm.
This is a regular club event held on the last Sunday every month and the silverware is handed out to the best four of the six rounds to be played by the end of November.
If you want to enter, again, use the website (see above for the Rigarlsford) or send us an email.  Anyone who is keen to enter but needs a partner please let us know and Denise or I will find you a golfing buddy.
You must be pre-entered to play. 
Play for both men and women is off the yellow tees.
3. Sunday Golf
There were four events played on Sunday which saw the following results:
a) Pinfold Cup
Leading after three rounds is Fiona Kearns on 108 points from Ossie Santos on 70, and Rose Rigarlsford on 59. 
b) Monthly Medal
By a country mile, shooting 75; nett 65 was Tim Richards from Grant Pollard 67, David Comans, 69 and David Mills 69.  Good scoring.
c) Sunday Club
Funny enough Tim Richards prevailed this week on 41 points from Ossie Santos (40), Grant Pollard (39), David Comans, Phil Hartley and Nicholas Mills all on 37 points.
d) Winter Par (Round 1 of 7)
The silverware for this competition will be handed out to the player with the best score to par from that players' best four rounds.
Leading after round 1 is Tim Richards (5 up) from David Comans (4 up), Ossie Santos (4 up), Grant Pollard (3 up), Boyd Kenna, Phil Hartley, Steve Witkowski and Nick Mills all (1 up).
Six more rounds to go - early days yet.
4. Futures and Coaching
This is probably the club's best success story for a while (not to understate the importance of the release of Kiwi on the course) and a thank you again to all who have made this happen.
Stephen took an enthusiatic group for chipping and putting prior to their 11.30am tee time and is looking forward to meeting up again with the youngsters after the school holidays.
If you wish to get a lesson yourself to sort out a few kinks you may book a session through the club or make contact with Stephen directly.
Karori Golf Club members get a half hour lesson for $40, a really great rate.
The feedback I have had has been fantastic.  Check him out!
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5. Governance
We are coming to that time of the year again when this matter needs members' attention.
The club has a myriad of challenges, many of which stem from revenue concerns. 
The club needs people with strong ideas as to how to encourage growth of the club (particularly in respect to increasing membership) so that we are able to continue to develop and enhance our playing environment (the course) - our chief asset by a country mile.
If you have something to contribute don't be shy.  No one else will have your own unique set of skills and ideas and we could use them.
Feel free to talk with any of the committee and I am quite approachable on these matters.
The annual meeting takes place in early December so it's a good time to be thinking now.
6.  Well Done Ben Campbell
A Campbell from another family, well done to Ben on his epic win in the latest Asian Tour event pocketing the best part of $1million NZ, proving that you really do putt for dough by dropping a twenty footer at the last hole for the win.
Something for our "Futures" to aspire to.
That's all for this week.
Enjoy your golfing week and I will keep an eye out on progress from afar.
Once again let's hope that the weather gods play nice but in the case that they don't keep an eye out on the website and our Facebook page for notification of course closures and delays.
Mark Peck
Club Captain

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