To: Karori Golf Club members

Your committee has been grappling with a cash shortage over the winter period, which is traditionally one of lower subs and green fee revenues but continuing costs. To assist us through this winter we have, after consultation with staff, restructured the clubrooms and administrative operations with effect from today.

Under this restructuring we regret to advise that the Club Manager position has been disestablished and Keith Kincaid has left the club. Other clubhouse staff and roles are not affected, excepting that some may be asked to assist with some administrative functions. Greenkeeping operations are not affected, though we will operate with two greenkeepers until the spring growth drives a need for more resources.

Under the new structure, which will depend a lot more on committee members and volunteers as in the past, Denise Martin will oversee the clubhouse operations including the staff roster, as well as working in the clubrooms herself and Adrian Porter will oversee the administrative side of the club with the assistance of Clayton Willocks and other staff members. We have asked all staff to be do everything possible to minimise costs and maximise revenues for the coming period and all members can assist our revenues by patronising the clubrooms before or after play.

This is seen as an interim solution, though it is likely to remain in place for a considerable period: implemented with some urgency to get us through the winter period of lower revenues. Over the summer we expect improved cash flows as is normal.

In the longer term we are confident of an improved financial position as a result of a number of exciting trends and initiatives including the encouraging trend in increased green fee revenues, the exceptional condition of the course and practice area, a rebranding around our new Kiwi population, and exciting initiatives such as the junior membership programme initiated by Clayton and plans being developed to attract more women members so that the club’s finances improve.

Mike Suggate


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