Captain's Corner
Club Report

Good evening golfers
Bad weather at this time of the year can play havoc with golf and the club calendar and the weekend past was a case in point.
A torrential downpour for a good half an hour or so on Sunday followed by intermittent heavy showers conspired to close the course without so much as a shot being played.
Well, not quite, a couple of the Shirties groups managed to get soaked making an effort to play before abandoning any pretence of getting a round of golf completed.
Consequently all competitions were called off for the day with the Bertram Cup first round to be played this Sunday and the June Monthly Medal rescheduled as well.
The good news about the week just past has been the work done by the greenstaff to clear out some of our roughest areas of the course with the rough between 6 & 7, and the hill at the back of 17 cleared of the worst undergrowth.  Today TK also sent me photos of a clean up on the 18th tee area which looks magnificent.
The other bit of good news is that the drainage is working.  It is true that carts are not allowed on the course right now but the areas of the course which would have been inundated by now are still playable.
During the winter months yet to come we will identify further drainage work needing to be done and this will make it possible to carry this out later in the spring/summer.
I also had the opportunity on Saturday to catch up with some of our women members who are enjoying playing together as a group.  It seems to me that this could be the start of revitalising something more organised for our new and existing women members.  Watch this space.  They certainly are keen.
Looking at the success that Clayton has had building the Juniors in conjunction with Maurice Munro and now our new club professional Stephen Wood, the emergence of a new womens group, the revitilisation of a number of the club events and the commencement of mixed events (Sunday 30 June will be the Club Captains Foursomes.  Teams are already entering.) the activity being generated by a small group of committed volunteers is starting to bear some fruit.
These are exciting times and I am looking forward to seeing much more cross polination among the informal groups which have become established and the wider membership to play together on a regular basis.
I am hopeful to commence a disc draw for the August Monthly Medal as a start and I will be working with Shirties, Matts Mob and Gaskies to bring this about.  There will be good notification following the discussions needed to get the support for all this to happen.
A reminder that our operating hours are: Monday 10am - 4pm; Tuesday to Thursday 8am to 4pm; Friday to Sunday 8am to 5pm. 
The shop will always be open and fully operational by this time.
I am really keen to see that we start to cater for golfers prior to commencing their round.  Wouldn't it be great to be able to get some food before tee off (say a bacon buttie, or sausage on bread, hot scone, muffin, maybe even a cup of tea or coffee). 
I can see these being particularly welcome on cold winter mornings for the early starters.  This could be a good revenue earner too.  Something for the club to consider.  Let a committee member know what you think.
Enough wishful thinking.
To the report.
1. Shootout
We are halfway to the end of the qualification for the shootout.
This has always been a fixture of the Karori Golfing Year but in recent years has declined markedly.
At the moment thirteen golfers have entered the Shootout and of those only eleven have played any counting rounds towards the ten scores needed for qualifying, and only eight have played ten rounds or more.
The entry fee for Shootout is $25 and all the proceeds go towards the prizes for the "Horses" who qualify for the Shootout. 
Prizes are paid out from the 10th hole onwards with the Shootout champion being decided at the 18th hole. 
The qualification is on stableford score with your ten best scores counting for the end of year shootout.
The best nineteen players qualify for the playoffs.
The current champion is Kevin Norquay who prevailed over Geoffrey Lee last December.
A shootout round can be played at any time once a player has entered and paid their $25 to the pool.  There should be little difficulty in getting ten counting scores with six months of play still to go before the horses are determined.
You may enter and pay online, or as I did, you may pay at the shop, make sure that the staff member enters you in the Shootout and that your money is correctly allocated to the shootout field in the cash till.
The shootout is available to Men and Women (members only this time) and the playoff is on handicap off the yellow tees for men and women.
So, come one everyone, lets make this a really fun event.  Get your name in and start putting in some scores.
2. Club Captains Foursomes
Teams are coming in for this mixed event (alternate shot - stableford).
This will be played on Sunday 30 June from just after midday.  Tee times have been booked.
Those that played in the Templar Trophy will remember how fun the mixed format can be and you can be certain to be playing some really interesting shots.
Enter online or you may reply to me at my home email ( and I will enter your team.
Teams of two, one man and one woman (please no wisecracks...)
If you need a partner please let me know and Denise and I will see what we can do to get someone to join up with you.
3. Bertram Cup first rounds
The first round for all matches need to be completed by close of play on Sunday 23 June.  Tee times have been booked and all players have been notified.
Quarter Finals will be played on or before 30 June.  The draw will be notified.
4. Monthly Medal
This was postponed from last week and will be played this Sunday.  Please note that you may also play Sunday Club and Shootout (if you have entered).
5. Coaching
I have had some great feedback about Stephen's coaching and a reminder as to how to contact him is in the Captains Corner. 
I am pleased to see so many members making use of his expertise.
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A big thankyou too to Maurice Munro who has helped many beginners make a start. 
6. Carts and other weather related things
While we don't like to put on any restrictions on the use of the course, with wet inclement conditions there are times when it is necessary.
Please respect the protocals around all this.  These things are done to protect the course and in the case of carts there is also a safety component too.
Frost delays happen too.  Whenever they do we will keep the gate closed until the frost has lifted.  This protects the playing surface.  Whenever there is a frost delay all areas of the course are closed, including the practice facilities.
The website is always updated immediately and normally an advisory email will be sent to members.
7. Veteran Women
The Wellington Veteran Women are having their day at Karori on Thursday.
Please note that they have priority use of the course.  If you are looking to play the course you will need to book in an available tee slot.  Please also note that if a group is playing through at the time you are due to tee off, you must give them right of way.
8. Placing and local rules
As the ball is now picking up mud I have reinstated placing through the green until further notice.
Placing is one club length in the class of the course from where you are taking relief.
I have also updated the local rules board (particularly GUR on the drainage work) so please look at the board before you tee off.
That's it for this week.
Enjoy your golf, good luck to our veteran women, good luck too to all the Bertram Cup contestants.
Get your entries in to the Shootout.
Get your entries in to the Club Captain's Foursomes (Alternate Shot).
Mark Peck
Club Captain.
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