Captain's Corner
Club Report

Good morning golfers
Winter has well and truly arrived.
Already the benefits of the drainage work are becoming evident and while it is going to get wet and soft it is likely that areas of the course which were unplayable last winter will be much more pleasant.
I am pleased to see a number of our members taking advantage of the coaching offered by Stephen Wood.  The club members rate is very attractive and now is a good time to sort out any glitches and work on your game before spring. 
It is good to see our Junior setup starting to get traction.  I will set up a nine hole competition for them to cater for their needs. Thank you to Isaac Henry for pointing this out to me.  Something I omitted in the beginning.
One encouraging development is the number of our women members who are entering club events.  The Bertram Cup attracted two 'all women' teams and both have qualified for the match play rounds. I know I have said it before but it bears repeating, golf is the only game where everyone competes as equals all because of the handicap system.  I'm picking that both of these teams have the potential to go deep in the competition.
On that subject, the "Captains Foursomes" will be played on Sunday 30 June with an early afternoon tee time.  This is an alternate shot format and these events are always a lot of fun.  The Templar Cup illustrated that there is an appetite for mixed events and I would encourage you to find a partner and join in.  Denise Marten and I are already entered.  You can enter online or alternatively email me at and I will put your names in.  If you are keen to play but don't have a partner, let me know and Denise and I will help you find one.
This mixed event will be played on the last Sunday each month from now until the November round when it will go in to recess until February 2025.
The next full club event will be the Ken and Rose Rigarlsford Trophy event. 
This event is a feature of our calendar celebrating two extraordinary members and the contribution they made to the club.  Rose is still a regular feature around the links.
Rose is particularly excited as her grandchildren are coming to play in the event.  I confirmed for her that the date of Saturday 27 July was set so that her family could book tickets with confidence to be at Karori on the day.
It's my hope that we honour their presence with a bumper turnout for what should be a good event.  The online entry sheet will go up on the website in the near future.  There will also be a sign on sheet available in the bar and on the downstairs noticeboard.
Now on to other things.
1. Volunteers
Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the club.
Many of the jobs around the place are done by our members who give up a bit of their time to help keep the course and its surrounds in good condition.
I am always reticent to name volunteers in case I miss anyone out but it is worth noting that keeping the gardens groomed is something a couple of our more senior members have been doing for some time.  If you see them around you may want to acknowledge them. 
Last week we had hoped to sand and seed some of the tee blocks but the stars did not align for a couple of reasons.  Another time will be organised.
While we have a good team we can always use more help, so, if you are available please let me know. 
2. Sunday Golf
With thirty eight golfers playing the Bertram Cup Qualifying round only eleven played Sunday Club Day where Peter Kirkman with 39 points prevailed from Jon Lyall on 37.
The top qualifiers in the Bertram Cup were Ryan Du Plessis and Daren Riley with a net 63 from Luanne Cockburn and Sarah McNaughtan on 64, and our course supervisor TK Ross and Matthew Roche also on 64. 
Match play rounds commence this week and the final will be played on Sunday 7 July.
Funny as it may seem, that's it for this week.
A reminder to book a time with Stephen Wood if you want to work on your game, check the events page on the website for upcoming events and enjoy what golf you can get in between the dodgy weather and fine breaks this week.
The women have their day tomorrow, Wednesday Club at 10.30 on Wednesday (Disc Draw at 10.15) and Sunday Club day for all comers.
Good luck to those competing in the Bertram Cup matches on Sunday too.
'til next week!
Mark Peck
Club Captain
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