Captain's Corner
Club Report

Good evening golfers
I had the priviledge of having a lesson with Stephen Wood today,  to help me out with a couple of matters dogging my game.
I've been spoiled by having had a number of really good coaches in my time and Stephen is no exception.
He worked with what I brought to the "game" and I left with a clear idea of what I need to do to improve my game.  He followed up with a couple of personal videos of the work we had done to improve my game.  Really helpful all round.  It's up to me now to put in the practice.
I can attest that Stephen will be good for your game too.
$40 for half an hour is good value, available to members only,  so a good benefit of membership of the club.  If you want to sort the odd thing or two out I suggest you try having a session with Stephen. 
Winter is now with us and it is likely that weather will be a bit changeable.  All the same it is going to be a busy time for our green staff as they look at getting a lot of the 1% jobs done.  At some point volunteers will also be needed to help out and a call will go out.  Keep your eyes out for these opportunities to lend the club a hand.
May I thank members who are using the sand buckets.  True there are a lot of divots on the course, but the sand in many of them is a sign that our members are proud of their course.  I know that TK and the staff appreciate the effort members are taking to help out in this respect.
In order that daisies and other weedy spring flowers don't become prevalent as the weather improves, the green staff will be spraying off the weeds in the rough,  and towards the end of winter, the fairways.  With the weeds gone the grass will have a better chance of striking in the flush of spring improving the quality of our playing surfaces.  Whenever spraying is being undertaken a sign is always posted to let you know what is being used and what care you should take when playing the course. 
Our "Futures" group is flourishing and it is just great to see so many young people enjoying the course.  It is a sign of a healthy club, and as the weather improves I hope to see the fruit of the efforts blossom.
Finally, in my opening comments, Denise Marten (Women's Club Captain) and I have decided that the last Sunday of each month to the end of November will be an opportunity for our men and women members to play a mixed greensome (alternate shot).  Tee time will be after the "Futures" have had their tee time and as it is alternate shot, completing the round in good time will happen.
Denise and I are going to be regular partners and we suggest that those who enjoyed the Templar Trophy and any others who may now be keen, get themselves "partnered up" and enter the event.  A competition has been set up for you to enter from the website (I really would encourage members to use the website more often).
So to business.
1. We need new members
Everyone can help out here.
We have a number of great packages to encourage new members, our Futures package consisting of junior membership and prepaid ten or twenty trip greenfee tickets (ask at the shop), Introductory Membership for one year $895, Tertiary Student Membership $380 for one year, Change of Club $995 for 16 months (in some cases this can be $895 for 16 months - ask at the shop), and for former Karori Golf Club Members who are returning to the club (after a two year absence or more) $995 for 16 months.
Any club member who introduces a new member gets a two month extension to their membership so their next invoice will come out two months after their normal membership renewal date.
We now have a great story to tell. 
A course in good conditions, full practice facilities, access to a Golf Professional (for teaching purposes), a fully functional clubhouse, a full event calendar, preferential tee bookings at weekends, a junior program, access to WGI Inter Club Competition, organised competitions for Women and Men during the mid week, and Twilight Golf through spring and Summer daylight savings hours.
As members you are our greatest advertisement, so talk our club up with your family, friends and associates and lets swell the ranks. 
2. Bertram Cup Qualifying Round - This Sunday, 9 June, multi tee start at 8.30am
To date we have thirteen teams entered in this pre eminent club event (including at least one all woman team).
The format is a team event, better ball net on each hole.  Teams of two. The counting ball on each hole needs to be putted out, no gimmes. Team mates may give each other advice during the round.  The sixteen lowest net scores qualify for the knock out match play rounds which follow over the next four weeks with the final on Sunday 7 July.
Only pre entered teams may take part.  You may enter on the website (, or alternatively let me know at my home email ( or txt me (0274461650).
Entries close on Saturday 8 June at 4pm in order that a draw can be completed and advised.
Anyone who has difficulty finding a partner for the event should let me know and I will help you find someone to join you.
I will send out a final notice for entries on Thursday, but don't delay, get your entry in now.
3. Volunteers
TK has indicated that he will need some volunteers later this week (likely Thursday).  I will send out a message to the volunteer group before this to determine numbers available. 
We can always use more hands so if you can help, can handle a shovel, rake, wheelbarrow and the like, let me know (see contact details above) and I will add you to the awesome Karori team.
Lunch is always provided and often some golf is played later in the afternoon.
4. Sunday Golf
Despite the long weekend with people away for a few days there was a good turnout on Sunday and it was really good to see one of our Futures members, Ben Willocks come out on top with 44 points (shot his best round ever, 84).  Congratulations Ben.
Fergus McDougall was second on 42, David Comans 41, Grant Pollard 38, Terry Bastion 38, Lee Moresi 37, Eric McAuley 36, Mathew Roche 36, Anthony Bryant 36, and our Green Supervisor TK Ross 36. 
TK was magnanimous in his agreement that the pin placement on 11 was "wicked".  I'm sure we won't see it there again anytime soon - likely never.
5. Placing
I have been generous in allowing a club lengths placing on your own fairway and I intend to continue with this practice through winter into spring.  At some point (I see balls are already picking up mud in the rough) I will allow placing through the green.
I got asked a question this week about the extent of placing.  Specifically, "are you allowed to place your ball on the green if in taking the club length and not being closer to the hole, you can reach the green surface".  The answer is undoubtedly yes.  You may also, if you wish, place your ball from the fairway to the rough if you think that will give you a better surface to hit from.  The important thing in all things about placing (preferred lies) is to be not nearer the hole.
For more information go to the rules of golf and check for yourself.
6. Stephen Wood
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Need help with your game.  Now is a good time to give yourself a hand up.
Contact Stephen at your leisure and book a time.  You will be glad that you did.
That's all for this week.
Enjoy your golfing week.  Get your entries in to the Bertram Cup, and start thinking about the "Captains" mixed greensome on the last Sunday in June and every other month until the end of November. 
Denise and I are looking for some appropriate "bling" to win for accumulated scores over the season.
I'll be sending out a reminder on Thursday for the Bertram to those who have not responded and I will be contacting all volunteers.
Mark Peck
Club Captain.
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