Dear all,
Please find attached the draw for this Saturday's competition.
- Registration from 9am - Please print your own cards off as you have a choice of multiple tees for both Mens and Ladies. And dont forget to 'tick' Ken and Rose Rigarlsford Trophy.
- Morning tea (DONT FORGET TO BRING A PLATE PLEASE) from 9.15am. The club is providing tea and coffee.
- Shot gun start at 10am.
Raffle prizes - lots to be won. All proceeds are going towards the new greens mower for the club. So dont forget to bring some cash. $2 a ticket or $5 for 3.
1st to 3rd Men's Stableford
1st and 2nd Women's Stableford
Prize for Best Guest Stableford score.
Nearest the Pin on the 4th
Fingers crossed that the weather is kind to us on the day. It is also hoped that we will be allowing carts out.
Many thanks
Club Manager